Sunday, October 4, 2015

Puppetswar: Fantasy Nightmare Gargoyles Reviewed!

Silent and deadly, lurking from the dark skies above ready to engulf your unwary wargame and roleplaying adventurers with a wave of lethal claws and razorsharp teeth. Prepare for the mighty Puppetswar Gargoyles and check our review below.

For those not familiar with the company, Puppetswar makes high-quality resin fantasy, steampunk and science fiction miniatures and terrain suitable for a whole range of wargame periods.  They also sells magnets, bases and other hobby materials in their webstore which can be found here The company is based in Poland and delivers worldwide at a very attractive flat shipping rate.

The Gargoyles

The miniatures we will review today are the gargoyles which can be found under Demon Creatures in their Nightmares miniature range. As with all of their miniatures these are scaled 28mm and are very suitable for mythology, fantasy, science fiction, weird wars and other settings that require some nasty winged creatures. As you can see in the pictures, these gargoyles are supplied in several durable yet slightly flexible resin parts including the bodies, heads and arms. You may also note the second set of heads which are part of the harpyes set which uses the same bodies but is delivered with different alien looking heads. Both of these useful sets can be bought at Puppetswar for €13.50 a set.

What I really like about these more or less modular creatures is their excellent dynamic character along with the possibility to swap the arms and heads around and create even more terrifying poses. The detail on these resin miniatures is superb but due to the production process, some thin films of flash are present on the resin miniatures as you can see in the above picture.

These pieces of flash (resin residue leftover from the casting process where the two mould halves meet) however don't obscure the tiny details and can easily be cleaned with the necessary hobby tools such as a sharp hobby knife or hobby viles. My favorite hobby knife for the moment is part of  the modular X-Acto Basic Knife Set which can be bought here at Element Games although not the cheapest, the quality will last you forever while being used extensively for assembling models and terrain. Also packed in a very useful box so you will never loose your spare knife blades again!

The assembly of these Puppetswar miniatures is very straight forward as all the figure parts fit really well and can also be attached to each of the three different body poses. But as always make sure to dry fit all the figure pieces before glueing them together, just to make sure all parts fit exactly where you want them. To assemble these miniatures I used The Army Painter Model Glue with is my personal favorite when glueing metal and resin miniatures, affordable and easy to get in hobby stores and online.

So how do these savage creatures match up with the miniatures of other manufacturers? To help you decide on whether these gargoyles fit with your existing fantasy miniature collection. I have added the following scale comparison picture showing the gargoyle along with a Northstar Miniatures Frostgrave Soldier, Games Workshop Empire Soldier and Reaper Miniatures Fantasy Knight. As you can see really fitting well these heroic scaled fantasy miniatures!

The conclusion

To conclude this review, I must admit that these miniatures are the best gargoyles I have seen so far. The detail is superb and the high-quality resin is both sturdy yet flexible enought to prevent breakage. These miniatures aren't the cheapest on the market but that really reflects in the quality and modern design of these gargoyles. So if you're looking for some nasty gargoyles to harass your unwary adventurers make sure to check these out here at Puppetswar

Disclaimer - We received these miniatures for free from Puppetswar for reviewing purposes. Please note that this doesn't influence our review as we always strive to supply you with our own independent and honest opinion about the wargame products reviewed.

Dozens of other reviews can easily be found here and make sure to follow this blog as more reviews, tutorials and wargame news appears every day!

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