Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mantic Games: New Kings of War - Uncharted Empires Army Supplement Book

Mantic Games: Kings of War: Uncharted Empires is an army supplement book that explores nine never-before-seen factions in Mantica, each with their own history and background.

Each of these armies has a dedicated Force List that allows you to play this army in Kings of War, should you have suitable miniatures to represent a force. The book features nine Force Lists, including:

  • Ratkin (Evil former slave race)
  • The Empire of Dust (Evil skeleton army, ancient Empire and ancestors of the Ophidians)
  • Salamanders Armies (Good army of reptilians and others)
  • The Herd (Neutral beastman army of satyrs, centaurs, minotaurs etc.)
  • The Varangur ( Evil humans worshipping an ancient deity)
  • And more!

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