Monday, October 12, 2015

Diehard Miniatures: Tim Prow Oldhammer Fantasy Miniatures Kickstarter

Diehard Miniatures: Our aim is to give you high quality sculpts with more than a nod to the past. Combining 'Oldhammer' with new cutting edge designs!

This Kickstarter will allow Diehard Miniatures to fund production of 9 Oldhammer fantasy factions, each of which will have 6 miniatures, tiered from small to large. Our funding level will start with the first 3 figures (warrior, spell caster and ogre sized character), once we hit our target it will unlock the stretch goal levels. It is then down to you to see how far we can push these goals and unlock more beautifully crafted models! Freebies will also be interspersed throughout the stretch goals!

All the models featured here will be high quality, pewter castings. Most will be multiple part models that will require assembly. Some of the larger models (most figures that come on the final tier) will be cast in resin to reduce weight. A quick disclaimer: All models will come with basic plastic slotted bases, and will be unpainted. Bases shown with the painted figures have been supplied courtesy of Fenris Games.

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