Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Bad Squiddo Games: New Realistic Female Shieldmaiden Berserkers Released

Bad Squiddo Games: Also a brand new unit to show you, berserkers. Of course not the nude/flailing boobs you might expect. 

These ladies are filled with fury and redemption and will hack and slash in a blind rage at anybody in the path of their whirlwind of destruction. Fuelled by adrenaline, they sometimes struggle to tell friend from foe, and are often seen quivering, frothing and gnashing their teeth, sometimes biting their gnarled teeth down onto shields, weapons and whatever else is to hand.

Obviously great for dark ages but also generic fantasy such as Frostgrave and actually the third one across (I haven't named them yet) looks like there's a post apoc conversion in there too! Sculpted by John Morris/Mystic Spirals, same chap who did my Boudiccas. He'll be painting them when he gets a chance too. The Boudiccas are being put into metal as we speak, and there are two more celts to come [hopefully] in time for Crisis! More dark ages/Vikings being worked on! Grab them here.

These are just great will surely be picking up a set at Crisis!

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