Saturday, October 24, 2015

Alternative Armies: Resin Orc Horses for Flintloque and Slaughterloo Soon

Alternative Armies: Following on from this summer and the resin versions of the Trolka and their huge Moose mounts and then the resin versions of the rhino mounted and limber beasts of the Hunvarian and K.G.L Ogres in the early autumn Alternative Armies is now turning the Horses of the Albion Orcs into resin. Test castings of the four types of horse have come out very well as you can see above. The standard cavalry horse, the officers horse, the limber horse and the alternate limber horse. 

We have temporarily removed all of the codes from our website that make use of these horses while we bring the production molds on stream for them. The riders will remain white metal and aside from a slight change in pose (the tail) the horses will remain the same except no longer white metal.

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