Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Ion Age: Taranis Tanks by Bob Naismith First Parts and Render

The Ion Age: Last time we announced the existence of Project Taranis in a blog post telling everyone we were working with industry legend Bob Naismith on designs for a brilliant main battle tank in 15mm scale for The Ion Age. 

I am happy to be able to tell you that all the pieces for the Taranis project are now sculpted and printed and origination molding is well underway. Sam Croes is now heading up the project and we now want to show you some of the 3D printed parts as well as physical sculpting work by Bob Naismith on the tank pieces and then to outline what you can expect in the coming month or so. 

Above you can see a line drawing of the final version of the Taranis Model 40 Tracked Type 83 Command Turret vehicle. The dimensions of this variant of Taranis will be approximately 90mm long, 76mm wide and 35mm tall making it a mighty combat vehicle indeed. Armed with a Bodkin AP Mk52 130mm Cannon and a Angis Mk9 22mm Automatic Rifle its titanium alloy hull weighs in at over eighty five tons and it is crewed by four men or women of the Retained or Muster. Its extra wide tracks give the Model 40 superb mobility over almost all terrain including exotic alien landscapes. Check the full blog post here to read more details about this superb tank.


We hope you have enjoyed this update. In the next update we will show you all of the pieces in resin and white metal that make up the Taranis Model 40 Tracked main battle Tank as well as the types of turrets and other items to make all of the variants of that tank. We will also outline our plan for release and what you can expect in terms of offers on the mighty Taranis Model 40. Comments and questions are most welcome to and I really enjoyed talking to wargamers last time on the email about this project and what is going to give them on the battlefield of the space opera future.

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