Friday, September 18, 2015

The Ion Age: Taranis Running Drones by Bob Naismith Previewed

The Ion Age: The Taranis main battle tank is the king of an Ion Age battlefield. Its fire power and super dense armour make it a tough nut to crack however it is an expensive machine and when resources are tight no Knight Commander wants to lose a Taranis if he can avoid it. 

 Every Taranis carries four crew with one of them devoted to communications and drone control. Drones are assigned to a Taranis tank typically in a small herd of five which are deployed ahead or to the enemy facing side of the tank. The drones have different functions but all these functions are dedicated to enhancing the fighting ability of the Taranis and to protect it from enemy fire.

Bob Naismith designed the Taranis tank which is coming in October 2015 from The Ion Age and its a beauty (look out for a preview article soon on IAF100 Taranis Tracked Main Battle Tank and all its sub-variants) and while it was 3D printed with elements of traditional sculpting he also created the Taranis Running Drones. These are hand sculpted by this legendary designer and fit in excellently with the tank. Check the awesome concept artwork here along with more information!

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