Saturday, August 15, 2015

Northstar Miniatures: Upcoming Hard-Plastic Fantasy Frostgrave Cultists Previewed

Preview of plastic Cultist
Northstar Miniatures: Here it is, we've been hinting enough about it. The second box set of plastic figures for Frostgrave will be Cultists. It'll be the same as the first box set, a frame of 5 bodies (not split torsos) with separate heads and weapon arms.

The heads and weapons are all naughty boy type of stuff, trying to look evil, you know what they are like. There are also lots of evil bits, chains and skulls and a vial with something nasty in it etc. This time though there isn't as much arm variant, there are more hand variants. So instead of an arm with a buckler on it, it's just a hand. This requires more modelling that the first set as you'll have to cut a hand off the left arm to glue a different one on.

You will get enough weapons including spears to make two warbands out of the Cultist box set to accompany your evil wizard. But here's the ace thing. All the heads and arms are inter-changeable with box set one. So you can use some of the spare arms from your Soldiers box set to give more variety to your Cultists and vice-versa. We've cut back on packs and ropes etc in the Cultist box set, but you can of course use the ones you have in box set one. There are 4 undead heads and 3 sets of Undead arms on the frame as well. With these extra bits, you can turn your plastic Soldier or Cultist into a proper Frostgrave Skeleton or Zombie!

We only have the 3ups (figures 3 times 28mm if you didn't know) right now, so we can't show you the figures yet. The release date is the 20th of November 2015. Everything is in place for us to hit that date, but as we don't have the actual plastic frames in our hands right now, I can't give a 'cast iron' promise for that date, I'm sure you understand.

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