Saturday, August 1, 2015

Metal Express: Skirmish Fantasy Bladestorm! 2.0: Sneak Peak at the Cover Art!

Metal Express: Yes, we are indeed progressing with our plans to release a modernized and more user friendly edition of the classic fantasy skirmish and mass battle system Bladestorm! As part of that process we commissioned some new cover art, so here's a sneak peak for your viewing pleasure.

Seriously. Bladestorm! is coming back after all these years in a new edition, and it remains as fundamentally strong, robust and adaptable a system as it ever was. Thanks to the hard work of Our Man in Germany Sebastian Klapdor (which Sebastian rightly refers to as "an unfinished symphony") picked up where the original designers left off so long ago, and has systematically playtested and modernized the formatting of the rules, created sharply executed play aids, and logically expanded the character and creature generation system. We're very pleased with what Sebastian has accomplished, and we're just working out the nuts and bolts of getting the finished product ready for market. So stay tuned for further updates as we get closer to the release of the new edition of this classic fantasy miniatures game system. For more information check here.

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