Sunday, August 16, 2015

Agema Miniatures: Upcoming Carthagian War Elephant Previewed

Agema Miniatures: The War Elephant is here! We've been somewhat delayed getting this chap and his mahout ready, but here they finally are! The shots are a bit rubbish I admit, being taken on my phone in the kitchen in bad light, but hopefully you get the idea. 

The Ellie is a Carthaginian / North African forest elephant (now extinct) which were quite small it seems and there is much debate about whether or not they could have supported crewed towers. The first incarnation therefore is this 'naked' version with just a Carthaginian mahout to guide him and pelt the enemy with javelins - inspired by the Giuseppe Rava cover for the WAB Hannibal book showing the elephant charge at Zama, a particular favourite of mine. Further versions with additional seated crew and towers will follow. He's into the post now to hot foot it out to be cast, but I'll post more pics when we have them back of the finished articles. Hope you like them! 

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