Monday, July 27, 2015

Fly Trap Factory: Upcoming Fantasy Gloaming Viking Warriors, Gnomes and Lone Centaur

Fly Trap Factory: More precious still are the skins that many of the Fire folk habitually shed, found only in the high mountains at the edge of the Gloaming known to Earth folk as the Dragon lands. These skins are acquired at great risk and boast an intimidating appearance as well as a malleable armouring. Such skins are worn here by the Dhu Chieftain as hat and cuff where they are most likely to be seen. Adornments of the beard serve to prevent unwanted tangles when travelling through the underbrush, while feet are left bare to better travel the forests above, silently and unnoticed.

Flytrap Factory is honoured to present the first look at 'The Chillie-Dhu Chieftain' the third of the four Gnome leaders seated at the Gnome Council. Created by Johnny Fraser-Allen of Weta Workshop "The Gloaming" is his fantasy brainchild.Flytrap Factory in co-operation with Johnny Fraser-Allen are working towards the realisation of his magical world in the realm of the gaming and tabletop/collectible industry. We will be presenting new additions to this wonderful line on a frequent basis, so be sure to check by our Facebook pages regularly for release schedules and other pertinent information.

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