Monday, July 20, 2015

DGS Games: Creatures of Faelon Kickstarter - New Urdaggar Lioness Released and Fully Funded!

DGS Games: Funded -- DGS Games miniatures Kickstarter 'Creatures of Faelon' funded over the weekend, and now backers can jump in comfortable in the knowledge that this makes the fourth project in a row that DGS Games has funded, and expect them to continue their track record of rewards delivered on time.

Confident in their success partway into the project, DGS went ahead and commissioned work to begin on some of their models. A winged Demon called the Ventarx was sculpted by Patrick Keith. Patrick is scheduled to do many of the other models funded by the project.

Gael Goumon has also started one fo the creatures, and provided a work in progress photo late last week to whet backers appetites and show those uncommitted some of the great work that is being done in support of this project. DGS also released news that they are releasing a new Urdaggar Lioness model at GenCon this year - and that the model can be chosen as a add-on reward (as a discount) as part of the Kickstarter.

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