Saturday, July 4, 2015

Atlantis Miniatures: 28mm Goblins,Orcs and Trolls Kickstarter Launched and Funded

Atlantis Miniatures: Highly detailed resin miniatures full of character! Atlantis Miniatures is a small UK miniature company. We've been working away solidly for nearly a year to bring our first range of miniatures to life. We love what we do and can't wait to get started on our next range. Up to this point we have been completely self funded and will go forward with the money raised into our next projects. 

It's common practice for companies to use kickstarter and the money generated to cover the labour costs needed to put a kickstarter together. This is not the case with our kickstarter. All money will go towards 3D printing, casting, packaging and the distribution of this range. The profits will go towards the conceptualisation of the next range! If the kickstarter goes beyond our expectations we will expand and look at employing some more talented artists!

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