Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fornlorn Hope Games: Ki-Rin Mounted Samurai Dwarves by Bob Olley Kickstarter

Forlorn Hope Games: Following the success and fulfilment of our previous Samurai Dwarf project we are adding some cavalry to the mix.

This project springs from the successful Samurai Dwarves kickstarter we ran last year. Due to popular demand we are proposing a range of dwarven cavalry, but not just any old cavalry, these will be mounted on Ki-Rin.

The project will result in 3 Ki-Rin, rearing up, trotting and galloping. There will be 6 dwarf riders, 3 armoured and 3 unarmoured. The dwarves will all be open handed and a selection of swords, yari or naginatas will be supplied. Dwarves and Ki-Rin will be separate models to allow you to mix them as desired.

These will be sculpted by Bob Olley and I'm pleased to announce that we have added a new member to the team for this project, James Olley (yes, he is related) who has produced the rather nice concept art. We hope you will come on board and support us in what will hopefully be a kickstarter as successful as our last one. Upon successful funding we hope to have the sculpts completed by the end of the September and moulds ready to spin within a month with product shipping in November 2015.

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