Saturday, June 27, 2015

DGS Games: Creatures of Faelon Kickstarter - Karbaal Shadow Demon Leader Art Preview

DGS Games: Thanks for being the best fans. And here is the first glimpse of the Karbazaal Shadow Demon Leader… Ok, so, the question of the day is – how many of each of these creatures do I need? We are going to give you the short answer first, but we would suggest continuing to read for the detailed answer because it contains some news about our game and a nice big surprise!

Here’s what we suggest: 1 Ar-Grush, 1 Mokruhl, 1 Saryad, 3 Shalkarak and 3 Ventarx. Note that that means backing us for the Doing my Part! $60 level and pledging $108 total to add in the other 4 models.

Now, the fun part – let’s talk about why…

First, you need to know that we are going to expand the Beast Hunt Scenario to include more options including multiple beasts.Also, we are going to expand the Demon Infestation Scenario to include more options for demons beyond Plakhra.Both will appear in the Freeblades Rules Companion, a free download due to you before these models are delivered.The Companion will also include a scenario called The Nest featuring multiple creatures defending their lair and that one will require multiple Shalkaraks…J

So, you need one Ar-Grush both for the version where that is the object of the hunt and when it is paired with one or more of its Grush Yearling children.It’s true that in a tournament that uses the Beast Hunt scenario at that level you’d need one Ar-Grush per table, but we have found that players are happy to bring and use their own, and you’ll only need one per two players.There is an encounter planned for our roleplaying game that uses multiple Ar-Grushes, but for now, one will do nicely for most players.

The Nest will begin with three Shalkaraks on the table and more will enter the table as their lair comes under attack.There will often be more than 3 on the table, but 3 per player means you and your opponent will each have enough for most game situations.The Shalkarak is also the summoned spell for the Snake Mystic – due out next month – so you’ll at least want one for her to cast.

The Mokruhl, Saryad and Ventarx will all be featured in the expanded Demon Infestation Scenario.Ventarx will appear like Plakhra do now, so often at least 3 on the table.Mokruhl and Saryads will only appear as often as Alpha Plakhras, so while there may be more than one, typically if both you and your opponent have one, that will suffice.Note that the ‘base’ demon model in the Saryad version is the Dryad, so you may want 3 of those as well and it is easy to add them on to your kickstarter pledge at $6 apiece.

Also, the Mokruhl and Ventarx are Grular faction models.You will be able to sub in the Mokruhl for the Warlock and the Ventarx for one or both Marauders, so Grular players take note!

But none of those are the most exciting reasons to have these demon models.If we reach our first stretch goal of $10000, we will not only unlock an entirely new model – the Karbazaal, a demon leader – we will provide the rules for a brand new faction: THE SHADOW DEMONS!Yes, that is right, help us get to our stretch goal and we will not only give you one of the most powerful models in the game to date, it will lead a ninth faction into the game system.The Shadow Demon faction will be led by the Karbazaal with the Mokruhl as its caster.Its heroes will be Ventarx, Skethar, Gadarl and Saryad.And its followers will be the Dryad and two new models that will be the 2d and 3d stretch goals.

So, let’s sum that up.By backing us for the Doing my Part! $60 level and pledging $108 total (which adds in the other 4 models to bring the whole reward to 1 Ar-Grush, 1 Mokruhl, 1 Saryad, 3 Shalkarak and 3 Ventarx) you get the models to play three scenarios, change the nature of you Grular freeband and unlock and build the brand new Shadow Demon faction.Doesn’t get much better!

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