Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spartan Games: Planetfall Allied Assault Helix and Veydreth Allied Recon Helix Previewed

Spartan Games has previewed these upcoming releases for Planetfall to be released in June.

PFAH05 RSN Allied Assault Helix - £26 - Driven by fanatical zeal and shrouded by Cloaking Fields, the Rense System Navy strike without warning from the skies to sow terror amongst their enemies. 

Capable of dropping into hot zones, the deadly Archangel Battle Robot wields its Shard of Dramos Wrist Blade to devastating effect, shearing though enemy vehicles and Leviathans in brutal hand to hand combat. Its powerful Clamare Missiles seek and destroy enemy flyers with righteous zeal. 

Once the Archangel has secured a landing site, the RSN bring in their Temple of Dramos, a monolithic structure that acts as a nexus of control on the battlefield, fuelling the wrath of nearby RSN and Dindrenzi forces. Hidden within this shadowy structure are the mindless Seraph Drones, a small cadre of Light Drone Tanks armed with fearsome Asmodian Lasers - a prototype RSN Beam weapon that cuts through enemy heavy armour with ease. Contains: 1 Archangel Battle Robot, 1 Temple of Dramos, 6 Seraph Light Drone Tanks, 1 Sky Drop Marker & 1 Micro Dice. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

PFAH06 Veydreth Allied Recon Helix - £33 - The tribes of the Veydreth specialise in hunting foes that are larger than themselves. Their Recon Helix uses a specialised form of Beam Weapon named the Ikori. Its accuracy allows Veydreth Gunners to target with preternatural precision the weak points in both massive creatures and enemy armour alike. 

The Yok-Ta Medium Skimmer mounts two of these weapons, along with an advanced targeting mechanism that allows both the Yok-Ta and all other elements in its formation to tear through armour to the weak flesh beneath. When on the hunt for prey, the Yok-Ta is also capable of bringing in an Artillery Strike on the target prior to their main Ordnance attack, using the confusion and carnage to disorientate their foes sufficiently enough to line up the killing shot. 

The Nuk-Su Light Skimmers are used to escort their larger parent element, supporting with their own Ikori Beam Lances to focus their power on a target. Whilst only small, their speed and manoeuvrability allow them to flank their prey, probing for weak points. Contains: 2 Yok-Ta Medium Skimmers, 8 Nuk-Su Light Skimmers, 2 Sky Drop Markers & 2 Micro Dice. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

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