Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Spartan Games: New Dystopian Legions Reinforcements Coming in June

Spartan Games has previewed these new expansion sets for their Dystopian Legions range. 

DLBS41 Empire of the Blazing Sun Infantry Officer Set - Officers of the Empire of the Blazing Sun are chosen for the unswerving loyalty and ability to adapt to the movements of the enemy in order that their forces be brought to bear with the deadliest effect. With a core guard of Imperial Riflemen to protect them, Officers of the Blazing Sun perform a vital role in the armies of the Empire. Nearly always accompanying the Officers are the specially trained and courageous Flag Signallers, who, using a complex but well-honed semaphore system are able to convey the orders of Officers at significant distances. Contains: 2 Infantry Officers, 5 Imperial Riflemen, 1 Flag Signaller and 1 deck of Tactical Action Cards. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS42 Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Set - The modern Ashigaru infantryman is a tough, highly trained and supremely motivated fighting trooper. They are armed with formidable drum-fed automatic shotguns that are devastating at close range, and loaded with fearsome incendiary rounds, products of the Imperial Alchemical institute’s research. Accompanied by a Flag Signaller, they are able to receive and relay orders from their officers, allowing them a unique and dangerous focus during battles. Contains: 1 Flag Signaller and 10 Ashigaru. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS43 Empire of the Blazing Sun Ashigaru Infantry Expansion Set - Bringing to bear the terrifying technologies and developments of the Imperial Alchemical laboratories, the specialists, medics and machine guns often seen in Ashigaru Sections provide a unique support to the mainstay soldiers of those outfits.

The feared Type 7 Rocket Projector, commonly known as the Okha or ‘Cherry Blossom’, is a potent weapon. Lightweight and simple to build and operate, it hurls a warhead packed with powerful chemical explosives. These shells can blast a hole in an enemy ironclad or blow a machine gun nest to smithereens, making a lone infantryman a threat to the largest targets. The tripod mounted, Kawachi-Kanpon Type 9 is a double-barrelled, fully automatic heavy shotgun loaded with the Alchemical Institute’s trademark incendiary shells. Contains: 1 Flag Signaller, 2 Medics, 2 Specialists and 3 MMG Teams. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLBS44 Empire of the Blazing Sun Heroes of the Empire Set - The Heroes of the Empire are the courageous men and women won inspire the nation. Haiku are composed in their honour, songs sung, and stories told. Grizzled veterans or daring soldiers, they have risen through their own genius to the greatness of ‘hero’. Long may they serve the Empire, long may they inspire the people, and long may they stand to give the enemy a damned good thrashing! Contains: 1 Alchemist Tonegawa, 1 Takera Isamu, 1 Master Kozo Okinawa, 1 Madame Taipan and 1 Heroic Sarge. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS41 Federated States of America Infantry Officer Set - Officers in the Federated States are those who, through hard work, luck and raw ability, are elevated to the rank. They are the backbone of every army, whether operating on their own or with a select Section of guards, their insight, experience, courage and ability is so often the difference between victory and defeat! Accompanying the Infantry officer is often a well-trained cadre of Federal Infantry, as well as a Forward Observer, able to call down heavy artillery support to assist the advance of the Federal Army. Contains: 2 Officers, 5 Federal Infantry, 1 Forward Observer and 1 deck of Tactical Ability Cards. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS42 Federated States of America Federal Infantry Set - Battle hardened and dangerous, the self-made men of the Federated States are the backbone of the Federal Army. An FSA Federal Infantry Section can pump out a frightening amount of firepower with their short barrelled Winchester Carbines, and their indomitable fighting spirit makes the FSA Line Infantry a force to be feared. Contains: 10 Federal Infantry and 1 NCO. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS43 Federated States of America Federal Infantry Expansion Set - One of the core strengths of the Federated States, and by extension its military, is the immense diversity and opportunity afforded its citizens. With more options than any other national force the Federates States Line Infantry Sections can leverage this diversity of talent to craft a front line fighting force like nothing else. The Federal Infantry makes full use of the tactical edge provided by specialists, forward observers, machine gun crews, scouts and hunters. Contains: 1 NCO, 1 Forward Observer, 1 Scout, 2 Specialists, 2 Hunters, 3 Heavy Machine Gun Crews and 3 Bear Traps. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

DLFS44 Federated States of America Heroes of the Empire Set - In the land of opportunity many great individuals have stepped forward through sheer force of their abilities and talent. The Heroes of the States are the courageous men and women won inspire the nation. Songs are composed in their honour and stories told. Grizzled veterans or daring soldiers, they have risen through their own genius to the greatness of ‘hero’. Long may they serve the States, long may they inspire the people, and long may they stand to give the enemy a damned good thrashing! Contains: 1 Doctor Samuel Orlington, 1 Crook the Buzzard, 1 Major Beauregard and 1 Clock-O-Dile. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

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