Sunday, May 17, 2015

Copper Mine Miniatures: 28mm Steam Horses for Victorian Sci-Fi - The Wild West Show Kickstarter

Copper Mine Miniatures: A range of 28mm Steam Horses to tie in with Victorian Science Fiction, Steampunk and Alternative World Games (IHMN, EotD, WWE, DMHDU).

The idea behind this project is to develop a Steam Horse for Victorian Science Fiction (VSF) based games also known as Steampunk. As well as developing the steam horses it makes sense to create a faction of riders, starting with the Stodden family.

Hopefully this is the start of a exciting range of 28mm VSF figures to come from my new company Copper Mine Miniatures over the next few years. I have several ideas for other factions to come if this one works out. Copper Mine Miniatures also intends to produce individual characters as well as factions both mounted and not. Delivery has been scheduled for early 2016 as the steam horses and at least 1 rider has already been sculpted. 


Matholwch said...

These shall be perfect for In Her Majesty's Name :)


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

They would surely fit into a couple of IHMN companies! Looking forward in seeing this Kickstarter evolve. Cheers!