Friday, March 6, 2015

One Small Step Games: Upcoming Holy Roman Empire: The Thirty Year’s War Boardgame Kickstarter

Just received this interesting news from Carmen Andres over at One Small Step Games: We want to give you a heads up about an upcoming crowd-funding venture by One Small Step Games.

Next week, OSS Games will send out a press release announcing the upcoming launch of a Kickstarter for Holy Roman Empire: The Thirty Year’s War, a political and military game of the 17th Century struggle for empire that plunged Europe into one of its longest and most destructive wars. Up to six players control the major dynasties of the era, fielding armies, navies, and engaging in diplomatic intrigue and bribery to decide who will control Europe. 

We are not only excited about the game itself but also the design of the game pieces. All of the game’s content—including two maps, two sheets of cards, 260 counters, a rule book and scenario book—are beautifully designed and feature gorgeous art. Look for more information about the game and the Kickstarter in our press release next week!

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