Sunday, January 4, 2015

Freebooter Miniatures: New Dodos, Objectives, Calvario, Momma Fiara, Tzinaka and Pin

Freebooter Miniatures: Ahoy Santas and Santresses, the holidays draw near and we have made a little list for you what might look nice under the christmas palm tree on deck.

Dodos can be used for a delicious roast, as pet for the children or playmate of your dog and when nothing else is appropriate for the Dodo hunt scenario (strikingly obvious, isn`t it?). Secondary objectives can be fun on every boring holiday event: light the candles on the tree without setting it ablaze, ask for a second helping without bursting at the seams etc. Well ok, our objectives are more of the game achievement sort, not for family festivities.

For the La Noche des Brujas we have Calvario Vigueta and his Balagonecos, Momma Fiara and Tzinaka. Little Pete had to be pushed behind, as our production department is severely suffering from scurvy. The little fella will instead be released in January. Those of you who read our previous news carefully have noted, that we are releasing a third “Tales-Character” instead this month. Finally as promised there is our Freebooter Pin. What, six new releases is not enough? Well then. Capt’n, go to the brig, sculpt faster!

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