Monday, January 5, 2015

Dead Sculpt Figures: Enter the Realm of Horror with the Ater Collectible Miniatures Kickstarter

Dead Sculpt Figures: Ater is a collectible, 54mm scale, resin miniatures series. Creepy, dark and surreal. Ater is not a game, it's a 54mm scale miniature line that targets collectors and enthusiasts with a taste for horror, the unusual, the surreal and the creepy... so no elves or marines will be part of this project if it were to be successful enough to allow for future growth.

The miniatures presented in this campaign are 3d sculpted and printed. The final products that you will get are blisters containing grey resin figures made of parts. Assembly, gluing and minor tooling will be required as it is normal with most miniatures and model kits. Check the miniatures and Kickstarter here.

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