Sunday, November 30, 2014

Broken Spirit Wargames: Immortal - 28mm Dark Age Fantasy Skirmish Rules

I have just found out that Broken Spirit Wargames, a new small company will be writing rules for existing miniature ranges of well-known miniature producers. The first rulebook they have recently announced is named Immortal and will be a semi-skirmish wargame set in Britain during the violent Dark Ages. 

The upcominh game will allow you to field powerful heroes which will be surrounded by small warband-like groups of devoted followers and warriors. The aim of the skirmish game will be to summon your good or evil old god or Immortal as they are named in the game. They have already released the following pictures and information but more is to be revealed soon as the rules will be released somewhere in early 2015!

This game is written to supply rules for the existing Westwind Productions Lucifer’s War miniature and Arthurian miniature range. Next to this Footsore Miniatures' Dark Ages range will also be used and featured in the rules. Check more news here on their Facebook page!

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