Sunday, October 12, 2014

Angry Mojo Games: Big Box Terrain: Games and Terrain Lasercraft Kickstarter

Angry Mojo Games: With all the wonderful and funderful miniatures games out there, affordable, attractive terrain is in short supply. Not anymore! We love miniatures games, and you can't play them without terrain. Well, you can, but that gets really boring really fast. With all the laser cut MDF terrain out there you're probably asking yourself "what makes these guys different?"

We have a very specific goal in mind with our terrain; the ability to throw enough scenery on a table to play a good game for $50 MSRP. Yes, that's an absurdly low price compared to the market value. It's also how we want it. Here at Angry Mojo Games, we believe that games are meant to be played, not just looked at.

If you're at home, the price of terrain excludes much of the gaming community from playing. Game stores quickly run into the problem of expensive terrain consuming their budget, followed by the inevitable maintenance cost of repairing broken scenery. Our goal is to get those costs as low as possible without sacrificing appearance. Our designs are coming along very well towards this ideal, but we've hit the point where we simply can't do it at the speeds we're working with.

This is where you, oh mighty and wise backer, come in. We have a laser cutter, we just need a more powerful tube. Once that bigger, more powerful tube comes in, it means faster cutting times. Faster cutting times means better fulfillment, lower prices, and more terrain in each box. This means more terrain on your table, and more awesomeness. Check the achieved stretch goals and Kickstarter here.

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