Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sanctioned Chaos: BattleBones Fantasy Dice Game Kickstarter Previewed

Sanctioned Chaos: BattleBones is the first game from Sanctioned Chaos set within the new fantasy world of Sorroah. A dice game, BattleBones lets players assume the role of one of the Cleromancers, powerful members of the MageCaste who use the artefacts known as BattleBones to control the armies of the world.

Players summon their forces each turn from their chosen army (humans to begin with but stretch goals will unlock the new races) and then send troops into battle, deciding their battleline in secret before revealing it. Streamlined rules allow those battlelines to be upgraded - so Scouts can infiltrate enemy camps to assassinate powerful opponents or clouds of arrows can darken the skies to send troops fleeing in retreat.

We are looking to raise the funds to manufacture the Core Set. This will enable 2 people to start fighting each other and will include 20 BattleBones dice as well as 2 Power Dice. BattleBones sees players take on the role of a CleroMancer one of the MageCaste who use ancient Artefacts of great power to control the armies of the land. Through the use of these BattleBones, warriors and heroes are summoned to the field of battle, where great battlelines are created with which to attack the enemy. These BattleBones are represented by special dice, each face showing one of the elements of the army. More information and pictures about the game and kickstarter here on their Prefundia page.

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