Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Ion Age: Legate Vanya of the Styx Legion Pack Released!

The Ion Age: The Styx Legion is a veteran fighting force and its troops had the honour of being the first through the Matter Gateway on to Camarthan Prime. The legion has a complex and not fully understood command structure that the Prydian Army is still trying to piece together but what is known is that a Legion is led by at least one Legate. That is the human term for the officer that rules the Styx Legion and while the actual name of the officer is not known he is code named 'Vanya'. Legate Vanya is a living legend among his own and his enemy too. We are proud to present to you our first character miniatures for the Shia Khan Empire in 15mm scale. 

 It goes well with our first Prydian Army character pack IAF005 Balthazar and Jerome. This pack contains two white metal miniatures depicting Legate Vanya and his personal guard legionary. The guard is in a ceremonial glimmer suit and armed with a Juno 2.0Kw laser rifle while the Legate is bare headed standing above a fallen Retained Knight helmet arms crossed. Vanya wears an ultra rare personal energy robe emitter and has a Cupid 0.5Kw Laser Pistol secreted upon his person. This code can be bought as a pack of two miniatures or as single poses or three packs saving 10%. Price 1.20GBP per pack. Check them here.

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