Tuesday, January 7, 2014

RuneCast Miniatures: New Lansquenet Dwarf Swordplayers Previewed

RuneCast Miniatures: A promise was made that the Lansquenet-Dwarf Bidenhänders will be the first to get reinforcements so I used the time before the holidays to sculpt a first trooper called "Schwertspieler 1" (Swordplayer 1).As the other Bidenhänder Dwarfs his upper body is clad in solid dwarven steel, his helmet is a rare cabasset, or "Birnhelm" in german language. To sculpt such a helmet was inspired by a fellow called Fernando, who contacted me with some ideas concerning Lansquenet Dwarfs.He is the first of 6 Swordplayers I plan to release in the next couple of months. 

Contrary to the first Swordplayer this one will come in two parts, else I won't be able to cast him. The left arm, sword and right hand will be one part, the rest the other part. Sculpting was again done using BeeSPutty Rock, the sword is one of my presculpt swords in resin, a bit modified with GreenStuff and the rest of the sword-part (i. e. left arm and hands) was sculpted using the old self-curing 2K-BeeSPutty. I hope to get Swordplayers 1 and 2 produced this month still, but that of course depends on my buddy Stefan who kindly allows me to use his casting facilities.

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