Friday, December 13, 2013

Freebooter Miniatures: Asqueroso, Pirate Lord of Longfall

Freebooter Miniatures: Santa is coming and for those of you who can’t wait until he arrives, we have a little look at what you can expect next year: Asqueroso is an influential pirate captain who thinks that he holds power over Longfall firmly in his clutches. But the truth is that he is a puppet of the Cult. As if that wasn’t enough, other pirate captains have gathered forces against him, so that his self-conferred position of Longfall’s Pirate Lord is looking shakier by the minute. But Asqueroso has never been known to let go of anything without a good fight. Asqueroso’s miniature will be available early in 2014 and adds sheer melee brutality to the Cult forces and a little firepower as well. Plus, of course, a swirly moustache.

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