Saturday, December 28, 2013

Shilka Publishing: Christmas Free Book Offers

Shilka Publishing: Christmas is a time of giving, so during the week between Christmas and New Year, we shall be posting discount codes here, and on Twitter. Each code will be valid for one day, and will allow the ebook to be downloaded for free. 

The codes are only valid for direct sales from this website. The list of books and the dates they will be free are below. Don’t forget to check back for the code on the relevant day. The list of books and the dates they will be free are below. Don’t forget to check back for the code on the relevant day. Have a good Christmas!

- 26 December: This We’ll Defend
- 27 December: Red Steel
- 28 December: The Bear Marches West
- 29 December: A Damn Close-Run Thing
- 30 December: Germany’s High Sea Fleet
- 31 December: A Fleet in Being


Russell Phillips said...

Thanks for posting about this, but it's Shilka Publishing, not Chilka :-) The company is named after the ZSU-23-4

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks for pointing out the error! I have adjusted the post but the label was correct strange? Cheers