Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wargame Vault: A Season In Hel, Ruleset Supplement

Wargame Vault: This supplement provides a short science-fiction campaign for control of a strategically critical spaceport, Hel. There are three main battles, the optional ones (depending on choice, and how things go), and a one-off adventure/encounter set in the Hel milieu. Each of the main battles also provides a way to set up force outside the campaign environment. The scenarios are written as a supplement for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish, our free rule set. We also provide guidelines for picking equivalent forces from other gaming systems, if you want. The .pdf contains:

  • Seven scenarios, with set up, terrain diagram, and victory conditions
  • Twenty pages of 2D and 3D terrain pieces to cover all the Scenarios
  • Stats for infantry, armour, air cavalry, and naval guns in QILS
  • Weather

The weather system in A Season in Hel is the crowning jewel of the game. It is quick and simple to play (no tables, charts, or nomograms), yet provides a robust, unpredictable, yet logical meterological environment to beat on your troops as they beat on each other. There are even a dozen options for adapting the weather system to other environments like desert, derelect space station, and the toxic atmosphere of Venus (or another like planet).

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