Thursday, November 14, 2013

Olley's Armies: Important Steampunk Dwarf Kickstarter Update

Just found this important update on the Bob Olley's KickstarterInterested take a peak here for some steampunk dwarf madness! Hello, as novices to Kickstarter we are learning all the time how best to run one and after reading many of the comments on here and various forums we realised that there are people who would like to pledge but don't because the miniatures they would like to choose are in the Stretchgoal and of course there is a risk that the stretchgoal amount won't be reached and the miniatures stay locked. 

We really wanted those people who were holding back to feel confident that if they pledged and the funding goal was met, they would be able to choose the miniatures they actually wanted, not discover they were still locked. So we looked at our funding calculations and finances again to see if we could include the sets 6, 7 & 8, we realised that when the Kickstarter ended and the survey was sent out to our backers we would know which sets were in high demand and which sets less so, this is really useful as it means we will know which sets can share a production mould and so save a bit on the expenses. With this revelation we have been able to include the stretchgoal sets 6, 7 & 8 within the main funding goal, hip hip hooray!

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