Thursday, November 21, 2013

Karwansaray Publishing: March Of The Ten Thousand, Ancient Warfare Magazine

Karwansaray Publishing has released their newest edition of Ancient Warfare: The march of the Ten Thousand is one of the best documented campaigns in Greek military history, thanks to the detailed narrative of Xenophon. He was a young Athenian expatriate who eventually rose to a senior position of command among the Hellenic survivors of Cyrus’ mercenary army. Interested in a copy, take a look here.

    • Michael Taylor, "Historical introduction"
    • Patrick Baker, "Hoplite training in the Age of Xenophon"
    • Stefanos Skarmintzos, "The reenactor"
    • Owen Rees, "Clearchus"
    • Matthew Beazley, "Rhodian slingers"
    • Sidney E. Dean, "Mithridates' pursuit of the Ten Thousand"
    • Sean Manning, "Achaemenid land campaigns"Features:
    • J. Albert Morales, "Legionaries at the Sea of Hercules" (Find)
    • Duncan Campbell, "Far-travelled horsemen II: the Ala Britannica" (Special)
    • Michael Park, "Snatching Alexander's body" (Debate)

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