Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Eureka Miniatures: Upcoming Hawkmoon Order of the Vulture

Just found this news from the sculptor and owner Ian of Pulp 28's. I've been asked to sculpt the figures for the troops of Granbretan (the bad guys in the stories) and the first one's are these little chaps below: The Vulture Legion or Order of the Vulture. If you are an admirer of the great Michael Moorcock you may have heard in the past few years that Eureka have been planning to produce the armies from Moorcock's famous Hawkmoon series of books. Well the plan stalled a bit for various reasons but is now back on track.

These are the first few of many. They look a bit different to some others that were made a few years back but that's because I've taken a bit of a different tack. I'm looking at the overall design in a twisted Renaissance/Baroque kind of way. Hence a touch of the Landsknecht in their dress - I figured Vulture Legion are mercenaries so I'll add a bit of historical mercenary charm to them. There are more to come as the armies of Granbretan have many different orders all based on various creatures. So expect to see Wolves, Badgers, Bulls, Pigs, Moles, Ravens, Hounds, Boars, Crows, Flies, Mantis's, etc This first one is based on one of the first figures made for the set by Dave King but there are some major differences.

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