Saturday, October 12, 2013

Terragnosis: Sulphur Kickstarter Launched

Just noticed that the Terragnosis Sulphur Kickstarter has been launched and looks promising with the starter pack available at £45 for a vehicle, hero and soldier squad. Interested please read on. Terragnosis: Fast, furious post apocalyptic mayhem in 32mm scale. AAA Addictive Awesomeness Assured. Across the decaying husk of a once vibrant world the battle rages. Desperate survivors strive to scavenge an existence from the hellish ruins that surround them. Battle-wagons constructed from scrap, spare-parts and a prayer to the savage gods go to war against aliens, demons and power-mad mutants!

Sulphur is an exhilarating game of futuristic table-top combat using 32mm vehicles and miniatures where players can design their own vehicles and match their forces to suit their own style of fighting. Challenge your opponents, create a force to exploit their weaknesses and be ready to exact revenge when they find yours first! All models in this kickstarter will be hand cast in a fine detail Urethane resin.

The Main Event:Scavenger (Hollower) starter set.. 5K This goal enables us to get the basic level game in production, with a multi part buggy with loads of options backed up by a scavenger (Hollower) squad lead by a hero. In game terms that's roughly a 10 point army depending on how you load out your vehicle.

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