Saturday, October 12, 2013

Northstar Miniatures: In Her Majesty's Name Walker!

Northstar Miniatures has announced that the sculpting on the VSF walker has started! 

Image copyright owned by Osprey Publishing.


Gavin Syme (GBS) said...

'I say Sir Humphrey, that blighter is tooled up. Best fetch my sniping rifle and aim between his eyes'.

Lots of interesting debates went on over at The Ion Age about our own in the works Havelock Battlesuit and the idea of armouring the machine and the user too. Great topic for wargaming discussion.


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

True about the vulnerable operator but I guess at the look of the machine they will go for a civilian version maybe with a possibilty to later add weapons and a armoured cabin for the user.

Looking forward in seeing the Havelock Battlesuit, Gavin.
