Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Anvil Industry: Afterlife Kickstarter Launch

Anvil Industry has launched their Afterlife Kickstarter! We plan to release the first full Volume of Afterlife next year, but it's a massive undertaking and your support at this early stage can help us to get the game up and running much faster. For this first Kickstarter we are creating a booklet of background material introducing the game setting, and some awesome new miniatures which you can get your hands on months before the full release.

After we've shipped your rewards, all profits will be used to help fund the creation of new miniatures, artwork, written material and the development of our planned rules set, in preparation for the release of Volume One next year. If you are as excited as we are about the project and want to lend extra support, ourVanguard pledge level gets you early access to the beta rules, along with some exclusive missions and miniatures!

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