Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Minairons Miniatures: 1/72 SCW Republican Artillery Preview

Minairons Miniatures: We at Minairons Miniatures are happy to show you another set in our upcoming range of white metal 1/72nd scale figures. As the title itself suggests, it will be focused on the Schneider 155mm Howitzer mod. 1917, used by both sides during Spanish Civil War. Gun itself will be cast in high quality resin and will come in two different configurations: travelling and deployed modes. The first one will be included in our projected IGC Sadurní Tractor boxed set, along with the appropriate carriage, tractor and a white metal driver.The second, also boxed configuration will include not just the gun itself, but also 4 white metal artillerymen and rangefinder, whose preliminary art concept by Juan G. Bautista of Xan Miniatures can be seen below:

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