Sunday, September 22, 2013

Crossover Miniatures: Newsflash and Lower Prices!

Crossover Miniatures: A huge thanks to all of our Kickstarter backers for making these next few releases possible. We managed to fund 21 new models that will be released over the next three months. Our first four releases are the villains Crash & Burn and our new Thug Minions. There is a leader and a set of four thugs to order around.

All of our previous heroes and villains have had a price decrease, to $5.75. Our sales have finally been able to support a lower price point and still leave room for further developing the line. I hope you will be able to enjoy the fruits of this small victory.

Minibits is expecting their shipment of miniatures tomorrow or the next day. They should be listed on soon, for either order or pre-order. So save yourself some tax and hassle and order from within the E.U.! 

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