Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Company B: Japanese Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Gun

Company B: The Type 1 47mm Anti-Tank Gun entered service in 1942. After the Nomonhan Incident, the Imperial Japanese Army started the development of a new anti-tank gun, considering that the Type 94 37mm Anti-Tank Gun would likely be ineffective against the newest Soviet tanks. The design was the first completely indigenous anti-tank-gun design completed in Japan. 

While inferior to its Western counterparts, it was considered suitable by the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff, due to the anticipated lack of armor by the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China, and by the belief that Japan would face only light tanks fielded by the Allied nations. Approximately 2,300 were produced. It had a very low profile, and was intended to be operated from a kneeling or prone position. It was towed behind a truck or horse.

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