Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wargames Foundry: Supporting GoblinAid

Wargames Foundry: As well as the 22 we sold at Salute, we've sold 17 Goblinaid packs on our website in 4 days. It looks like they will continue to sell steadily. Amazing numbers of our customers have visited our Goblinaid page. We had a counter on it which got past 1600 hits before it stopped working!

We suspect that most of our Little Kevin sales have gone out to Goblinaid customers. By the time you read this we should have Little Kevin up on our FlyteOfFantasy eBay site: the FlyteOfFantasy site is our small collection of mostly fantasy odds and ends, that might be the best place for Kevin's fans to pick up the Goblinaid pack.

We've had a lot of people get in touch interested in a full set of all the hundred and seventeen Snorklings. At the moment we have none of Kevin's models for sale at all other than those in the Little Kevin pack. We did find a few blisters of Kevin's bigger orcs/ogres and take them to Salute. We do have a few left, but that's about it. We plan to rerelease all of Kevin's stuff one day: it's one of a number of fairly large projects we need to get done. Anyway, we feel that we shouldn't be tempting Kevin's fans with tales of rereleased old models on the horizon right now: we think it might cause people to delay buying the Goblinaid Kevin pack, and we think that we should concentrate on getting as many Goblinaid sales as we can as quickly as we can, as it's now that Kevin needs everyones help.

It will be an enormous task when we do finally get the chance make new moulds of all those snorklings: I think that a lot of them only exist at all as cavities scattered amongst the several thousand old master moulds stored in our even older stable.

If any of you are active on websites or discussion groups visited by fans of Kevin who might like to contribute through buying little Kevin from Foundry now and/or the models from Goblinaid team when they come out, we (and Kevin and the Goblinaid team) would be very grateful indeed if you could post links to the Goblinaid page and to the page on this website and our page on eBay.

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