Monday, April 22, 2013

Perry Miniatures: Review and Scale comparisons of the new British Infantry

A bit late but found this new wave of information about the new Perry Miniatures plastic British infantry scattered on the internet waiting to be bundled! 

"This was a diorama I put together just before Salute. The building (tome) is by Grand Manner. The plastic infantry were painted by Darrell Hindley. The Valentine tank is by Blitzkrieg Miniatures and available from them and us in May. The Universal Carrier (which is just behind the tank!) was made for Perry Miniatures by NR and is code WW2. Michael" Source: Perry Miniatures

On the matter of size, as it does matter, scale comparison of the new British infantry

"Right, so there's been quite a bit of discussion regarding the size of the Perry Desert Rats box. Undave on the Warlord forum graciously posted the following picture. Left to right: Foundry, Artizan, BA plastic Brit, Perry 8th, BA metal Parra, Plastic Soldier Co. Russian, BA plastic German." Source: Lead Adventure Forum

And to please evrybody a review of the British Universal Carrier and the Infantry!

Anyhow, the cash I had gotten out was burning a hole in my pocket so I popped over to the Perry Miniatures stand and prepared to make my purchase, but, they were doing a deal, you could have a box of the Perry Miniatures Desert Rats and a Universal Carrier for £30.00. The entire review can be found here Source: Scrivsland Blog



Unknown said...

Quite a few of the guys I follow have bought the Perry Plastics and rave about them. As per usual, the Perry's deliver an excellent product.

Tony said...

The Mosque in the background is a Grand Manner model that was originally designed by me as a Small House. The master was modified by Dave (at GM) and is now sold as a 28mm Shrine/Tomb.



Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi Tony, I wasn't aware that the building was first designed as a small house but it seems great as shrine. Thanks for supplying us with the source of the building.
