Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Empress Miniatures: Inter-war Afghans Cavalry and Support

Wow - things are getting busier and busier at Empress, and the result is even more new releases across our ranges. This weekends round-up continues below. We've mentioned it a lot already, but if you are attending Salute! this year then it might be worth considering a pre-order for collection on the day. We have had a lot already and stock is starting to run low on popular items before we even arrive at the show! We are arranging more deliveries before next weekend, but a pre-order is the best way to avoid missing out on the day. Anyway, enough of that nonsense and on to the new toys! 

Firstly we have even more additions to our inter-war Afghans. Suitable for the Third Afghan War, Waziristan and the entire inter-war period, these fierce tribesmen now come with extra support, command and cavalry. 


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