Just received this news from Rob over at Curious Constructs: We have been blown away by the response to our 28mm Steampunk inspired Anti-Tank Lasercannon Kickstarter - we've achieved nearly 600% funding now, a huge amount exceeding all expectations, especially considering the campaign isn't even half way through! With all our initial Stretch Goals unexpectedly smashed within the first 3 days of the campaign, we made the decision to not add any further goals until we've caught up, and we're now making progress. We'd rather deliver everything on time then promise the world and leave you waiting!
The Autocannon is currently work in progress with early proof of concepts shown to backers, the 28mm heroically scaled artillery crew will be previewed shortly, with the other weapons, the Gatling Gun and Tesla Cannon to follow.

However, we can now show you renders of the completed Rocket Launcher addition, designed by Faolan, mounted on the carriage designed by Kit Burrows of Zinge Industries, as well as a new addition to the Kickstarter, the Mule Logistical Support Vehicle, a hardy little tractor unit ideal for transporting loads such as ammunition, or with the option tow hook pulling your artillery pieces. We've also made some further changes to our pledge rewards, with new options!

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