Sunday, December 23, 2012

Battlefront Miniatures, Gale Force Nine and Wargames Illustrated sale!

Just found this: In the past month or so, an unusual confluence of events has transpired, and we have found ourselves moving into new warehouses in both the U.K. and U.S. at the same time. I am sure that being a busier than normal year anyway, this was just payback for me from some crime in a past life (my current one is very pure), and that we found it absolutely unavoidable to not need bigger premises in both countries at the same time.

Having planned for them to be months apart, one was delayed (again, my past lives coming back to haunt me). Hence, we have moved into new buildings in the same month.

The thing about moving is that you get a chance to start again, and have a wonderfully tidy start in the new building, where everything has its proper place, and nothing is just piled up or stuffed behind something else, as tends to happen over five years in the same place, no matter how good your warehouse team might be. The result is a boon for you, as we have come across supplies of items that we did not expect. And so, for the first time ever, we are going to have a little sale.

We have selected a range of codes from Flames of War, GF9 and Wargames Illustrated that we will be offering at special prices on a first-come-first-served basis. Numbers are limited in each warehouse. Unfortunately, not having done this before, we realize that the retail software on our site is not well equipped to show exactly what stock we have left. So, the best way to find out is to order the items, and then our customer service teams will be in touch. The one thing I know for sure is that some of all of these codes are available right now in every warehouse, so take advantage of the great prices whilst you can.

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