Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Commando Miniatures: Interesting releases!

Hi, I just received some good news from John Allen over at Commando Miniatures that the webshop has been updated with some new jungle base companents for his excellent Borneo range which includes the stout British soldiers, Indonesian Paracommando's with a lot more coming!

First of all he has now expanded his terrain range with these excellent huts form Scheltrum Miniatures: Native villages in the Borneo rainforest traditionally took the form of huts on raised platforms. Rather than produce our own we can do no better than to direct the customer to the best source at Scheltrum Miniatures There are three huts available, large (illustrated), medium and small. Now there is no excuse not to feature an authentic native village.

Some other nice releases are the new components for his jungle patrol base scenery pieces. Equipment and Stores hut: the resin sandbag and corrugated iron construction with detachable corrugated iron roof and earthen floor. This particular hut retails for £12.00 and is also usable for many other periods even Sci Fi if you bother to ask me.

Another new release is the patrol base set which consists of 1 x S-13, 1 x S-14 and 2 x S-15. Represents the type of Forward operating base constructed in the deep jungle close to the Indonesian border, intended for intercepting cross border raids and as a base for the Claret patrols into Indonesian territory. Price £30.00 - a saving of £7 on the individual items!

And stay tuned as a new vehicle will appear in the range within several weeks as Allen has changed from caster and everything takes some time but do not worry in the meanwhile you have the new scenery pieces that you can paint!

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