Saturday, November 24, 2012

Baueda: Fantasy Female Orc Soccer Team

Yes, another release from Baueda for their Esair range which includes the famous Trogball: Esair's Gladiatorial Game which you can play with your favourite Fantasy Football rules! Most "Fantasy" these days is loosely based on the middleages, by contrast the dominant cultures, people, technology and events in Esair are inspired more by the Early Roman Empire. Trogball is the Esair equivalent of gladiatorial games, it consist of violent confrontations between teams of more or less armed players who entertain audiences by butchering each other while at the same time attempting to score more points than their opponents. Like ancient gladiators Trogball teams and players often mimic mythological creatures and races. By the closing years of the politically and socially unstable Late Republic, Trogball gladiator games already provided their sponsors with extravagantly expensive but effective opportunities for self-promotion; in the new Empire the greatest and most celebrated games are now identified with the state-sponsored Imperial cult, and they are big business... 

The new release brings us the dreaded Trogettes, team loved by Orc and feared by men! The Underland's Troggettes are the fastest climbing Team in Trogball history. Sure, that's not so hard when one starts at the very bottom, but with their aggressive gameplay and sadistic humor these rough chicks from the back of nowhere have already become one of the most popular and successful team in the whole Empire!


The Angry Lurker said...

Very pretty!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Pretty isn't the word I would use, they look quite savage!