Saturday, October 27, 2012

Warlord Games: Plastic Soviet boxed set

Hi, I just found these excellent miniatures from Warlord Games for more information and pictures go to the Warlord Games website. "The Red Horde is almost upon us! Stalin’s Soviet soldiers are now immortalised in hard plastic with this, our latest plastic Bolt Action set. You can place a pre-order for these superb miniatures now… These are the men who fought ferociously to defend Mother Russia from the German invasion of 1941 through to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Simple peasant soldiers, they were taught to obey orders and do as they were told. Their life was hard and their battles probably unequalled in history for scale and suffering. The Russian divisions grew from a disorganised mass to a fully capable and experienced force of modern infantry in just a few short years, a deadly weapon tempered in the cauldron of battle against the German invaders." 

"Enough plastic components to make a 40 Soviet Union infantry miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models. These miniatures retails for £28.00 and are now available for preorder."


Bartek Zynda said...

They looks like they are in winter uniforms. Good for march 1945 campaigns.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Indeed they are clothed in winter gear but I think the boxed set is a mixture of both winter(gilted) and summer dress.


ColKillgore said...

I really want to see what is on the sprues. I am think more about getting them and adding some Adrian helmeted heads to use as Warlord era Chinese troops or some heads with siberian fur caps to use as Chinese communists. I am really thrilled about the anti-tank rifle and the Tokerov semi-auto rifle.


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Sounds very interesting looking forward to your conversions and paintjobs!
