Friday, October 26, 2012

Frothers: Annual Charity Thingy

Hi, just found this great news form Frothers: "The official start of the Frothers' Charity thingy isn't until early next week but, as it's already on the web, here's the green for the next figure (sculpted by Kev White of Hasslefree Miniatures).As always, there are numerous people that deserve huge thanks for getting this project off the ground…. The cast and crew of Judge Minty, in particular, Steven Sterlacchini, Steve Green, Daniel Carey-George and, Minty himself, Edmund Dehn – without them it would not be happening. Matt Sprange from Mongoose Publishing for allowing us to infringe on Mongoose’s license and 2000AD’s IP. Again, without Matt’s help this would not be happening. Kev White for the sculpting (and Sally for letting him do it!),Pete Brown, Ed Fortae and Ian ‘Geronimo’ Brumby"

Interested in this excellent sculpt? Need a few please take a look in this thread for the ordering information.

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