Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dominion of the Gods, new mythological skirmish game

Hi, I just found this new miniature kickstarter for a mythological skirmish game called Dominion of the Gods which will be released by Comfy Chair Games. The initial release will contain two Pantheons, the Norse and Greek. The Norse will be equiped with some fierce warriors and ice trolls while the Greek Pantheon relies on savage minotaurs, gods such as Athena, medusas and cyclops. Interested in backing this new game for either the rules or great miniatures? Take a look at their kickstarter campaign for more information.

"Comfy Chair Games has developed an easy-to-learn and intuitive dice system that will have you playing the game in minutes, without the need to continually reference a rulebook. A quick start battle typically lasts twenty minutes. The supplied stat cards make any necessary recordkeeping simple and easy. Comfy Chair Games currently has the quick start rules and box sets 70% complete for two mythological factions – the Norse and the Greek. In supporting this project, our hope is to not only release these two quick start box sets, but also to fund other quick start boxes in other mythos, such as the Celtic, Hindu or Lovecraft."

" In addition, while exciting play is immediately available with the box sets described above, it is our intention to also expand these sets with supporting models that will be released in the future in order to expand depth and complexity of play. Your response here, will guide us on interest in the developing of these new sets. Comfy Chair Games needs your help as we have exciting work to be done! Help us reach our goal – or even exceed it – and we can bring to life the exciting world of Dominion of the Gods! If you support us in reaching our goals, you can expect a delivery date before May 2013. Take a look our some of our concept art and completed models below! "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


They have just opened the option to pre-order the Celtic/Irish box set pictured above.