Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Crossover Miniatures: Second kickstarter?

Hi, I just found this exciting news from Crossover Miniatures for a possible second kickstarter project!

"I had intended for October to be the start of the the second KS campaign, but then I went and watched a Batman movie at the cinema and expanded the project.  So our original goal of having all the greens done by the end of Sept went out the window.  At the moment, we will be getting back on track soon.  I'm trying to exercise some restraint this time and not show anything until it's ready. The good news is that sales of the original models are funding the majority of the greens.  So I should be able to bring models out for a lower KS goal.  I've got a few stretch goals that can be easily added once we meet the goal as well.  So the potential is to get even more models than were available in the first round." 

"The bad news is there won't be the opportunity to collaborate on the models like we had the first time.  This simply slowed production down, even though the collaborators were GREAT to work with and had great concepts.  These opportunities for backers helped raise a significant portion of our funds, so I'm hoping the project can replace those funds with volume as we easily sold more models than were originally sent as rewards in the kickstarter.  If even a small percentage of those customers become backers, we should be fine. Now, on to the leaks...ninjas, cops, thugs (with optional clown heads), archers, stretchers, wild man...cool stuff!"

And welcome to our latest follower Captain LOL from the Belgian Figure of War Blog

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