Hi, just heard that the 62th edition of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy contains an interesting article about spies in the East including statistics for them for the Triumph and Tragedy ruleset.
"Theme: Andy Miles, 'Espionage against the Bolsheviks – "Cud" Thornhill, the Archangel spy'. Once seen as a passing fad, the Pulp or ‘Back of Beyond' genre is now well established as a favourite among wargamers. Although typical scenarios often tend toward the fantastic, with fictional characters to match, I prefer historical backgrounds featuring real personalities wherever possible. Recently released documents relating to the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, often known as MI6) contain a wealth of detail about the roguish personalities who served in Britain's fledgling espionage agencies and the extraordinary (but entirely factual) adventures in which they became embroiled."
I haven't bought this edition but though it could be useful for those wargaming Back of Beyond or the Russian Civil war or are just looking for interesting information or inspiration. If interested here's a link to the website of WSS

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